The note when housing transfer formed in the future?

Houses formed in the future are those in the process of construction investment and have not been tested and put into use. According to Clause 2, Article 105 of the Civil Code 2015, future-formed housing is an asset and the transfer of property must comply with civil law and relevant laws. One of them is the regulation related to taxes and fees when transferring property ownership.

For housing transfer formed in the future, the financial obligations under the law include: registration fee and personal income tax. For each of these taxes and fees, there are specific legal documents regulating.

Firstly, for registration fee: According to Decree 140/2016 / ND-CP, the house is one of the subjects liable to registration fee, with a fee of 0.5% of the registration fee calculation price. In particular, the price to calculate the registration fee for a house is the price promulgated by the People's Committee of the province or city directly under the Central Government in accordance with the law on construction at the time of registration fee declaration.

Secondly, for personal income tax: According to Article 24 of the 2007 Law on personal income tax, for non-resident individuals, the tax rate applicable to real estate transfer is 2%. However, in some special cases, this personal income tax and registration fee may be waived. Specifically, according to Clause 1, Article 4 of the 2007 Personal Income Tax Law, income from real estate transfer between husband and wife; natural father and mother with natural children; adoptive father and adoptive mother with adopted children; father-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; father-in-law, mother-in-law and son-in-law; grandfather, grandmother with grandson; grandfather, grandmother with grandchildren; Siblings are income exempt from personal income tax.

In addition, the seller may be subject to some additional items such as cadastral fee, metering fee, notarization of transfer contract unless the parties have agreed that the buyer will incur this fee or the parties have other deal.

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