New regulations on trade, import and export coming into force from the end of October, 2018

1. Procedures for issuance of C/O certifying origin of a number of special goods

On September 14, 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has promulgated the Circular No. 26/2018/TT-BCT amending and supplementing the Appendix IV of the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-BCT on implementation of rules of origin in the Asean-Korea Free Trade Agreement.

According to this Circular, C/O certifying origin of special goods prescribed in Article 6 of the Appendix I of the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-BCT must comply with the following provisions:

- C/O must be issued by the C/O issuing authority designated by the exporting country as regulated in the Appendix V of the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-BCT.

- The C/O certifying the origin of a specific good issued by the C/O issuing authority designated by the exporting country must be noted that the good is conformable with provisions of Article 6 Appendix I of the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-BCT.

- Unless otherwise provided for in this Appendix, relevant rules set out in the Appendix V enclosed with the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-BCT must be applied with modifications suitable for the special goods applying provisions of Article 6 Appendix I of the Circular No. 20/2014/TT-BCT prescribed in the list enclosed with this Appendix.

The Circular No. 26/2018/TT-BTC comes into force from October 29, 2018.

2. Registration of standard form contract for issuance of domestic debt cards is not mandatory

This regulation is provided in the Decision No. 38/2018/QD-TTg dated September 05, 2018 amending the Decision No. 35/2015/QD-TTg on amendments and supplements to the Decision No. 02/2012/QD-TTg promulgating the list of essential goods and services for which standard form contracts or contracts containing general terms and conditions must be registered.

According to this Decision, when issuing domestic debit cards, opening and using payment accounts (for individual customers) or applying for personal loans (for consumption purpose), the registration of standard form contracts or contracts containing general terms and conditions is not mandatory.

The Decision No. 38/2018/QD-TTg comes into force from October 22, 2018.

3. Promulgation of 06 national technical regulations on environment

On September 14, 2018, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment promulgates the Circular No. 08/2018/TT-BTNMT and the Circular No. 09/2018/TT-BTNMT on promulgation of national technical regulations on environment, including:

- QCVN 31:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environment for imported steel scraps for production;

- QCVN 32:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environment for imported plastic scraps for production;

- QCVN 33:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environment for imported paper scraps for production;

- QCVN 65:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environment for imported glass scrap for production;

- QCVN 66:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environment for imported non-ferrous metal scraps for production;

- QCVN 67:2018/BTNMT - National technical regulation on environment for imported slag from iron or steel industry for production.

The Circular No. 08/2018/TT-BTNMT and the Circular No. 09/2018/TT-BTNMT come into force from October 29, 2018.

4. Amendments to the Circular No. 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL on international trade in goods

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has promulgated the Circular No. 26/2018/TT-BVHTTDL on September 11, 2018 to amend the Circular No. 28/2014/TT-BVHTTDL on management of international trade in goods under the management of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

According to this Circular, the following are the most noticeable contents:

- The phrase “National treasures” is removed from the list of goods banned from export.

- A component of the application documentation for approval for contents of imported works of plastic arts, fine arts and photography is abrogated.

- The regulation “The certified copy of the investment certificate or the certificate of enterprise registration or the business registration certificate” on procedures for approval for contents of imported cinema works is abrogated.

The Circular No.26/2018/TT-BVHTTDL comes into force from October 30, 2018.

Source Thuvienphapluat

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